
Religious chinese shadow puppetry
Religious chinese shadow puppetry

religious chinese shadow puppetry

Al Ghazali (1059-1111) and Abul Alaa’ Al Maarri (973-1157), in some of their writings, describe their impressions of a shadow play. Faruk Saad named it “ The mechanical shadow theater“. This important reference to shadow theater in Al Andalus denotes a developed type of Shadow Theater known at that time. In the 11 th century: Ibn Hazm (994-1064) described a shadow play as follows: “I have never seen anything more lifelike than the shadow theater, with its actors mounted on wooden handles that are turned rapidly so that some disappear and others appear”.After the end of the show, the king asked him what did he thought of what he saw the vizier replied “I saw a great preach, I saw states falling and others rising” Salah ad Din told the Qadi if it is illegitimate we won’t watch it. At the time, banning Shadow Theater was being considered for religious reasons. In the 12 th century: After Salah ad-Din al Ayyubi topped down the Fatimids in Egypt in 1171, he attended with his vizier Al Qadi Al Fadhel a shadow play.We have four manuscripts of these texts, two in Cairo, one in Madrid and the fourth is at the Süleymaniye Library in Istanbul. In the 13 th century: the main references in that time are three texts, considered as the oldest Arabic theatrical texts, written for the shadow theatre by Shamseddine Ibn Danial in 1368.

religious chinese shadow puppetry

However it is uncertain to this day how it arrived to the Arab countries, but certain facts lead us to believe that it goes back to the 11 th century (and may be before) and we will present the arguments confirming this: It is said that Shadow Theater came to Turkey from the Far East through Persia. Karim Dakroub, at the Simposium Polichinela in Barcelona. He then said to him: “When we go to Istanbul, you shall come with us so my son can watch and enjoy your show”. Ibn Ayass, the Arabic historian, narrates in his work, Badai’ az Zouhour, that Sultan Selim watched at the Rawda Palace a shadow play depicting the assassination of the deposed Mamluk Sultan, he called on the puppeteer and bestowed his graces on him. In the below clip, the wayang kulit features an appearance by none other than Barack Obama who, of course, spent part of his childhood in Indonesia.The beginnings.According to the Turkish scholar “Metin And”, shadow theater moved to Turkey from Egypt in the 16 th century after Sultan Selim 1 st conquered Egypt in 1517. Click here to watch part one of this performance, and here for part two. In 2012, Asia Society presented a wayang kulit performance by Ki Purbo Asmoro. It is one of the great art forms as it combines ancient stories, mystical mantras, and topical commentary. The gamelan orchestra is comprised of between 20 and 40 musicians and is made up of bronze instruments - gongs, metalaphones, strings, and vocals. Javanese shadow puppetry involves distinctive puppets that are art works in themselves. What are some of the distinctive features of a performance that differentiate it from other forms of puppetry? A good dhalang is indeed a celebrity who commands a high fee and can perform in front of audiences as large as 6 or 7,000 people. It is one of the most complete art forms, with everything in the hands of the dhalang. Wayang kulit combines deep spiritual meaning, entertaining storytelling, extraordinary musicality (both in the gamelan and vocals), deep philosophical messages, current political commentary, and bawdy humor. It is usually performed in an eight to nine hour performance that goes all night. Shadow puppetry has been popular in various parts of the world, including China, India, and Turkey, but it has reached an extraordinary level in Java. How popular is Wayang Kulit as an art form today? Has the form had an influence beyond Indonesia? In advance of Asia Society's presentation of wayang kulit on Saturday, we spoke to Rachel Cooper, Asia Society's director of Global Performing Arts and Special Cultural Initiatives, about this unique art form.


New York time for a free live video webcast. Can’t make it to this program? Tune in Saturday, May 14, at 8 p.m.

Religious chinese shadow puppetry